Knowing If You Have The Breast Cancer Gene As Soon As Possible Could Save Your Life!
5 to 10% Of Women Carry The Cancer Gene That Could Impact You Or One Of Your Siblings, Children, Or Grandchildren. Take This No Cost / No Obligation Survey To See If You Qualify For Testing!
You don’t need to worry. Our very simple four question survey will let you know if you possibly qualify for genetic testing for your personal health status.
All you need to do to find if you do qualify is to provide us with your name and email address, click “See If I Qualify”, and answer two additional questions and learn if you are a candidate for genetic testing.
Your Information will be used in compliance with our Privacy Policy and will be kept in COMPLETE CONFIDENCE. Your information is NEVER shared with ANYONE! We take your privacy seriously and appreciate you visiting our website.
Breast Cancer Statistical Information That EVERY Woman Should Know!
It is estimated that about 276,480 new cases of invasive breast cancer will be diagnosed in women this year alone. Having breast cancer is not a death sentence if it is caught early and you receive treatment as quickly as possible.
According to the American Cancer Society, breast cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in women (only lung cancer kills more women each year). The chance that a woman will die from breast cancer is about 1 in 38 women in the United States.
If you are visiting our website today and have searched on breast cancer, you should be aware of how serious breast cancer can be and what the symptoms are for breast cancer. The following are just some of the symptoms of breast cancer.
If you are worried that you may have breast cancer you need to contact your doctor and discuss your concerns with them. Breast cancer is a serious, life-threatening condition that should be dealt with immediately.
Something else that you can do immediately from the comfort of your own home is to see if you qualify for genetic testing for breast cancer.
Genetic testing not only will allow you to find specific information about your possibly having breast cancer but it will allow you to know if your condition is genetic and could be passed on to your children or grandchildren or if your parents or siblings may have the genetic marker that indicates they have the same abnormal genes that could lead to a serious health problem in the future.
Taking a genetic test could not only save your life, but it could save the life of your children, grandchildren, parents, and siblings.
…The rest of the article is continued below the survey…
See the start of the No Cost / No Obligation survey below. 5 minutes of your time just may be the start of saving a life!
If You Think You Possibly Have A Health Risk That Could Impact You Or One Of Your Siblings, Children, Or Grandchildren You Need To Take This No Cost / No Obligation Survey!
You don’t need to worry. Our very simple four question survey will let you know if you possibly qualify for genetic testing for your personal health status.
All you need to do to find if you do qualify is to provide us with your name and email address, click “See If I Qualify”, and answer two additional questions and learn if you are a candidate for genetic testing.
Your Information will be used in compliance with our Privacy Policy and will be kept in COMPLETE CONFIDENCE. Your information is NEVER shared with ANYONE! We take your privacy seriously and appreciate you visiting our website.
Knowing If You Have Breast Cancer As Soon As Possible Could Save Your Life continued…
By taking a genetic test to see if you have breast cancer, you can take the guesswork out of your current and future health for longer life and better wellbeing. Our preventative genetic testing services also offer a measure of preventative care to identify certain risk factors to cancer, heart disease, and medication response and interaction.
Taking the survey to see if you qualify for genetic testing for breast cancer is simple, fast, and is No Cost and No Obligation. It is a simple two-question test that will give you immediate feedback to see if you may qualify for genetic testing for your breast cancer.
Our simple five-minute survey will let you know if you may qualify for any one of the following serious medical conditions as well that could impact not only your life but your family’s lives as well! The survey will give you results not only to the issue of your genetic risk for breast cancer but also to see if you qualify for genetic testing for the following three conditions.
Cancer Test

Cancer genetic testing (CGx) targets the most important genes associated with breast, colon, pancreatic, gynecological and melanoma cancers. These tests are ordered by oncologists, as well as primary care physicians and with patients with at-risk family histories. With Genetic Testing, there is absolutely no reason anyone should wonder or worry if they have potential genetic markers that could indicate potential cancer risk. So why continue to worry? To learn more about our genetic testing services and see if you qualify to receive a test, please click below to fill out our No-Cost, No-Obligation complimentary risk assessment.
Heart Test

Mutations associated with inherited cardiovascular diseases and sudden cardiac death can be detected through exhaustive Cardiac Genetic Testing. The testing panels include all genes known currently to be associated with the development of inherited cardiovascular diseases that can present as sudden death or other major adverse events. Cardiac Genetic Testing can be ordered in smaller, disease-specific panels or in one comprehensive panel. To learn more about genetic testing services and see if you qualify to receive a test, please click below to fill out our No-Cost, No-Obligation complimentary risk assessment.
Drug Test

Genetics account for 20–90% of variability in drug disposition and effects. The pharmacogenetic testing service, PGx Testing, uses a patient’s genes to determine how they will respond to a particular medicine or a combination of medicines and identifies their unique sensitivities to possible drug effects. As a result, healthcare providers can minimize or completely avoid trial-and-error dosing and substantially reduce the risk of potential adverse drug events. To learn more about our genetic testing services and see if you qualify to receive a test, please click below to fill out our No-Cost, No-Obligation complimentary risk assessment.
In closing, there are many benefits from taking a genetic test for breast cancer but here are several additional benefits for you to consider taking our 5-minute No Cost / No Obligation preventative breast cancer genetic test survey.
Our genetic tests are meant to identify health factors that may put you at risk for certain diseases in order to better inform you, your family, and your health care provider. Our solutions allow individuals and their treating physicians to personalize healthcare and supply the provider with additional resources that allow them to most effectively educate and treat their patients.
If you qualify for testing, many Insurance providers will cover the cost of preventative tests with no out of pocket cost to you. Before submitting anything, we always check your provider to ensure no unexpected fees are received. AFTER we confirm your test is covered, your primary care physician will review your assessment before ordering any test to ensure that it is medically necessary.
Our life-saving testing and screening solutions have gained widespread acceptance within the scientific and medical communities in the area of preventive care. Test results along with targeted education can provide a sense of relief from uncertainty and help you make informed decisions about managing your health care.
Knowledge is power but knowledge applied to one’s life is life-changing.
Your journey starts here! To learn more about our suite of services or speak with a team member about how we can assist you, please contact us and someone will be in touch with you shortly.
See If You May Qualify For Testing!
Take our No Cost, No Obligation survey today, and see if you qualify for a test in one or more of our three categories of genetic testing. The survey is simple and easy and you will know immediately if your medical history will allow us to process your request for a genetic test.
So, what do you have to lose? A few minutes of your time. What do you have to gain? Possibly you or one or more of your children or grandchildren’s lives!
Take Our Survey To See If You Qualify For One Of Our Genetic Tests!
Our NO Cost, No Obligation survey will tell you immediately if you possibly qualify for one or more of our important genetic tests. The survey let’s you know if you qualify for the test. It possibly may make the difference between life and death for you or one or more of your children or grandchildren.
Your Information will be used in compliance with our Privacy Policy and will be kept in COMPLETE CONFIDENCE. Your information is NEVER shared with ANYONE! We take your privacy seriously and appreciate you visiting our website.